What is Microsoft Purview and Why is it Beneficial for Your Business?

You might be aware of the concept of data governance where a set of rules and policies are defined to ensure the integrity and security of your data. Hackers are actively looking to exploit the loopholes in your IT infrastructure and conducting recurring cyberattacks to compromise this data. Azure provides you a data governance mechanism to protect your data from such malicious cyberattacks.

Microsoft Purview — An Overview

Microsoft Purview is a set of tools designed specifically to provide optimal solutions for centralized data governance. It could be your on-premises database, cloud database, or any other data source which needs data governance. All such platforms can be managed using a single interface of Microsoft Purview.
You can create a unified map of data with Microsoft Purview. Now you can automate and manage metadata along with the classification of data with different classifiers. You can use Microsoft Purview Data Catalog to make it easier to discover data using search terms.

Benefits of Microsoft Purview for Businesses

Improved Security

Businesses can use security group policies to protect their data through Microsoft Purview. You can classify your data as sensitive and map it accordingly. You can track all the scans and their success/failure status. You can go beyond data governance with Microsoft Purview by acquiring better visibility of your sensitive data.
The data organization as collections and tracking of the configurations at the root level of these collections, gives you a holistic view of all the changes made to your data. The impact of these changes on your infrastructure.

Improved Data Analytics

Businesses use data analytics for decision-making purposes. Data analytics can be difficult if the data are spread across different platforms and inaccessible in resourceful content. Microsoft Purview indexes the data to make it useful for data analytics. With this feature, businesses can now draw results and perform business forecasting through this data.

Better Data Tracking

Loads of data are generated and stored in your databases each day, especially if you run a large business. Microsoft Purview tracks the entire lifecycle of the data by visualizing its lineage. You can monitor every step, from the creation to movement between different domains. Businesses eventually recieve better data mapping and understanding with this efficient data tracking feature offered by Microsoft Purview.